
Hi, I’m a Multidisciplinary designer who specializes in graphic design, web design and art direction.

Vincent%20Muller%20Quadrat small

It's easy to be different, but very difficult to be better.

Hello, I'm Vincent, a French graphic designer living in Austria with my wife for more than 25 years. As a passionate photographer, I am fascinated by fog and forests.

The geek in me urges me to talk often about “the iObjets” and the ease of use.

#Apple #Adobe #AffinitySerif #Panic


Not half a pixel. Happy with a perfect grid.


Preferably in capsules. Roma or Kazaar with milk and sugar.


Classical, rock or jazz, the main thing is full of emotions.

Aperture f / 1.4

With a fixed focal length I am not dizzy. Seldom close the aperture above f / 2.2.